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The MOHRE mobile application provides a variety of services for business owners and employees in the United Arab Emirates. Business owners can use the app to apply for contract renewals, bank guarantee refunds, handle absconding cases, and more. Employees can view their contracts, file complaints against their employers, and access many other services. The app aims to streamline and simplify administrative tasks for both employers and employees in the UAE.
Esportsmy: The Social Hub for E-Sports Fans Attention all e-sports enthusiasts! Esportsmy is here! This is a social platform designed just for e-sports fans, connecting you easily with top e-sports players and streamers. On Esportsmy, you can: Play With Gamers: Want to game with pro players or popular streamers? You can now! Just pay a fee and you’ll be gaming alongside them! Hire an E-Sports Influencer: Looking to promote a game or a business? Hire an e-sports influencer to help! Pay them to boost your brand's presence! Get Coaching With Gamers: Want to improve your skills? Get one-on-one coaching from pro players! Pay for personalized training and become a game master! Invite Gamers: Hosting an event, online or offline? Invite e-sports players to join and make your event a hit! Sponsor E-Sports Athletes or Teams: Become a sponsor for your favorite e-sports athletes or teams. Support them and gain recognition! Get E-Sports News: Stay updated with the latest e-sports news! Get all the hot topics and trends from the e-sports world! Social Wall: Post and share your e-sports gossip and updates with fellow fans on the social wall! Exclusive Products: Buy exclusive e-sports products and merchandise from top players and streamers! Download Esportsmy now and dive into your new e-sports social world!
Want to share quotes of wisdom with your family and friends? This app is for you! Welcome to the app where you can read and share beautiful quotes of wisdom every day! We have a huge collection of quotes with images for you to send to your loved ones every day. Don't wait any longer, download it now! We have carefully selected and created the most beautiful life wisdom images so that you can easily send them to your family, parents, children, spouse or anyone you want. Using this app is very simple and intuitive, just go to your available daily life phrases gallery, select the life motto you want to share, that's it. We present you with a unique gallery of inspirational quotes, so that you can enjoy beautiful daily wisdom quotes and life reflections anywhere in the world. What are you waiting for? Click on download and start sharing the best wisdom quotes!
Have you heard of 2ch? Yes, that super popular discussion board! Well, it's upgraded now and goes by the name 5ch! If you’ve ever used 2chMate, you know how great it is! But now, it’s been renamed to ChMate, with even more powerful and fun features! But hey, a quick heads-up—between June 9 and June 29, 2021, there was a tiny bug affecting the processing of paid options. So, all orders during that period will be canceled and refunds will be processed. Don’t worry, refunds are on their way! ChMate lets you dive into the hottest discussions anytime, anywhere! Whether you want to talk about the latest trends or dive deep into niche topics, there’s a place for you here! No complicated registration, no annoying ads—it’s all simple and straightforward! Come and join us!
Top WiFi File Transfer Master is a powerful file transfer app that allows you to share files with unmatched speed, up to 200 times faster than Bluetooth. Imagine sending your party videos to friends in just seconds—this app makes it possible, with transfer speeds reaching up to several Mb/s. Whether you’re sharing photos, music, videos, apps, or documents, Top WiFi File Transfer Master handles it all with ease, even for files of unlimited size. Designed for convenience and efficiency, the app eliminates the need for cables, internet, or data usage. You can transfer files to your friends anytime, anywhere, making it an ideal tool for quick and easy sharing. Whether it’s a small document or a large video file, this app ensures that your files are transferred seamlessly. In addition to file transfers, Top WiFi File Transfer Master includes features like a WhatsApp status saver, Insta saver, and Facebook downloader. With these tools, you can download and share videos and statuses directly from your favorite social media platforms, all within one app. The app also simplifies the process of switching to a new phone. It allows you to smartly transfer mobile data, such as contacts, SMS, pictures, music, videos, games, and other files, from your old phone to your new one in a single step. Additionally, it provides options to view, move, or delete received files, and even make backup copies to clean up phone storage when needed. Key Features: High-Speed File Transfer: Transfer files up to 200 times faster than Bluetooth, with speeds reaching several Mb/s. No Cables, Internet, or Data Usage: Share files anywhere, anytime, without the need for cables or an internet connection. Unlimited File Size: Transfer photos, music, videos, apps, documents, and more, regardless of file size. Social Media Downloaders: Save and share WhatsApp statuses, Instagram posts, and Facebook videos directly within the app. Smart Phone Switch: Transfer contacts, SMS, pictures, music, videos, games, and other files from your old phone to your new one in one simple step. File Management: View, move, delete, and back up files as needed to manage your phone’s storage efficiently.
Hide Pictures & Videos is a privacy-focused app that allows users to securely hide and protect personal photos and videos from unauthorized access. With this app, you can move sensitive media files into a private, encrypted vault that is protected by a password, PIN, or fingerprint. The app ensures your personal content remains hidden from prying eyes, even if someone has access to your device. It also includes features like stealth mode, fake login options, and automatic backup to further enhance privacy and security. Hide Pictures & Videos is perfect for users who want to safeguard their personal photos and videos without worrying about them appearing in public galleries or being accessed by others.
Want the convenience of a smart lock without ruining the design of your door? Level Bolt is the perfect choice for you! It is the world's first and only invisible smart lock that installs inside the door, upgrading your existing lock to a smart lock with one click, making technology and home design perfectly integrated. If you like exquisite design, you will love the Level Lock series. It combines Bolt's innovative engineering technology to create the smallest smart lock ever. Whether it is through fingerprint, key or NFC card, you can easily enter and exit your home with just a touch. With the Level App, you can turn your phone into a key, set automatic door locking and unlocking functions, share access rights remotely, and even create temporary access passes for friends. Personalize your Level lock and take control of everything.